
The 36 credit GMA ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT is a comprehensive program of 12 courses, designed to provide experienced senior managers managers with the skills and knowledge with which to excel in Senior Executive (C-Level) Management Roles. The program meets the specifications for the Accredited Executive Manager Qualification from the Institute of Accredited Managers. This program forms 100% of the credit requirements for the GMA ACCREDITED EXECUTIVE MANAGER Qualification.


The 36 credit ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT is the complete MBA alternative program of 12 courses, designed for experienced Senior Managers preparing to enter an Executive (C-Level) Management role.

This program forms 100% of the credit requirements for the GMA ACCREDITED EXECUTIVE MANAGER Qualification.

  • Level: Experienced Senior Managers and new Senior Executive (C-level) Managers
  • Courses: 12 (see course details below)
  • Learning: On Demand 24/7
  • Credits: 36 (3 credits for each course)
  • CPD Hours: 360 (each course takes approx. 10 to 20 hours to complete)
  • Duration: 6 to 9 Months
  • Certification: Global Management Qualifications

Key Benefits

On completing the Advanced Diploma in Executive Management (The MBA ALTERNATIVE) ,  you will have acquired a comprehensive range of knowledge and skills to succeed in an Executive leadership (C-Level) role.  You will understand the key principles of strategic management and understand the core principles of managing organizations and strategic finances in the organization. You will have developed the knowledge and skills to lead a review of operational performance, and how to guide the planning for operational excellence, and creation of an agile organization. You will understand and know how to apply the core principles of strategic marketing and how to plan for and develop international business. You will also now how to lead innovation in the organization, frame business strategy, and implement develop strategic plans.  You will also have an in depth understanding of how to mobilize the human resources of the organization to support the strategic agenda. In addition, you will have be set in place a personal development plan to continually enrich your strategic leadership skills. Finally, you will be qualified as an ACCREDITED EXECUTIVE MANAGER.


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