Partnering with Global

Transform your Business with Global E-Learning

Take your Business to the Next Level.

For training and consulting companies seeking to rapidly expand their leadership and management education portfolio, the Global Academy is the most comprehensive, time efficient and cost effective leadership and management development and certification resource available to organizations worldwide today.

Transform your Business

View this short video to learn more about how partnering with Global Management Academy can help you grow your business.

Key Features of Global Partner Academies

Own Brand Portal

Partners have access to a dedicated own brand e-learning Portal with hundreds of online courses in leadership and business management..

Blended Learning Ready

All Global courses also include white-labelled learning manuals and additional resources, enabling partners to deliver courses in blended learning.

Credentials & Qualifications

Deliver a wide range of management qualifications and professional credential programs from Global and our awards partner, The Global Institute of Accredited Managers.

Business Support

Global provides partners with and personalized business development support, and provides access to comprehensive marketing resources.


We are looking for regional and international partners. Partners can be consulting companies, training companies or organizations seeking to enrich the resources they offer their clients with world leading business and leadership training courses.

You will be able to offer 150 plus leadership and management courses and 50+ professional credential and management qualification programs. You and your learners will have access to more than 2000+ hours of learning.

Each course in the Global Academy carries a number of credits, which demonstrate the amount of study time you have put into your learning. 1 credit is equal to 10 hours of learning. Therefore, if a course has 2 credits, it will take approximately 20 hours of study to complete.

Partners have access to all learning materials used in the courses, including MS Word versions of white labelled learning manuals which can be branded as need by the partner to deliver in blended learning format.

Depending on your chosen partnering model, you will be able to assign courses to your learners, and control the duration of access. You will also be able to monitor and report on learner progress.

On completion of any course, learners will be able to download a course Global completion certificate, which specifies the course title, the level and the CPD hours acquired on completion.

Partners  can offer the Global Professional Credentials, which verify learning and competency in a key career skills areas such as Finance, Operations Management etc. Credentials are accessed and shared from on the ACCREDIBLE Credential platform.

Partners can offer qualifications from the Global Institute of leadership and Management. The qualifications are available at four levels and provide recognition of skills and knowledge across core competencies require of managers as they progress through their leadership career journey.

As a first step, complete the contact form below, and we will send you a partnering profile and draft partnering agreement. You will be able to review options and discuss with us your preferred start-up program. On selection, we will set up your dedicated portal and help you get started with marketing your new services.

There are several partnering options, and depending on your preferences, you will be able to get started for as little as $650.

Global provides comprehensive content, technical and business development (marketing) support for partners. We want your business to succeed and you can be confident of continuous and dedicated support throughout your partnership with Global.

Contact Us

for more information and a free trial.

Phone: U.K. +44 (0) 77800 65110
Phone: USA: +1 (720) 666-6067
Phone: AUS: +61 (0) 406 314 781
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